Sunday, October 29, 2006

Skate Metal

Skate Metal - when I first heard that term, I was like "What, only music you can skate to?" Well, yes and no, from the word I was getting, it was music that people skated to, but nothing exclusive about it. Some friends of mine passed along the tape of Excel, Split Image and I was hooked. Their next release, The Joke's on You is pure fun, sing-along metal that you can really rock out to. I remember the first and only time I saw Excel in concert, it was one of those moments where everyone there was waiting as long or longer than I had to see them. The small number of us all sang along, moshed, stage dove, and had a great time. It will truly be a concert I will never forget. The music, well, as is the norm here I don't give specific examples or comparison, just think of Venice Beach, California in the mid to late 80's. Grab a listen to some of the tunes on their MySpace page
Rotten Records have re-released the first two Excel albums on CD with some extras on each one, so pick them up right from the label
Listen, buy and sing along!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Warriors of Ice

This band will be forever known as the band that sounds like no one else. VoiVod have been making genre bending, indefinable music for over 20 years, and even after the death of guitarist Piggy, they still put out albums that force everyone to try to pinpoint some other band to compare them to. Don't even try. I started listening to VoiVod back in 1987, and even then it was like, "What is this?" When I am asked what VoiVod sounds like, I just reply "VoiVod", then the blank stares begin. The picture here is of the Nothingface album, which when released, was like taking a breath of pure, magical oxygen that has never been experienced by another human - it was invigorating, new, precious, and a memory that will never be forgotten. Again, don't ask what it sounds like, just run out to your favorite indie store and buy a copy, used copy, go online and buy it, download it (after paying) and breathe in the oxygen for yourself. I don't try to give away any comparisons to the music here, that is for each one of you to decide if, and what anything around here sounds like. Experience the music for yourself, I'm the map to the locations, you have to get climb down off the horse and experience them on your own. VoiVod has quite a few albums to choose from, I suggest starting with Nothingface and work backwards by year released. Now, get off the horse, make sure you have enough water and a sleepingbag, here is your first adventure.
Check out the VoiVod site here
VoiVod fan sites have some MP3's of concerts and demo versions over here

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Here is the band Junius, may seem like no big deal to you, but on their latest disc, Blood is Bright has one of the most amazing songs I have EVER heard- yes ever. There are many songs that compete for any one persons all time favorites, and this one should be in yours. This disc, or EP however you want to call it deserves to be played for all of us who enjoy music for what it is. A conduit for transporting us to another place, creating a memory, sparking feelings, and leaving a mark for where we were when we heard it. The song, A Word Could Kill Her, is just that song- simply amazing, starts slow, builds up and hits you where it counts. With the right production, this tune can change lives. I cannot post it here for all to enjoy, but check out some of the other songs on the disc.
It's only six bucks from Radiant Records, and well worth your cash, so buy it
I can't say enough about this band, just that they are not a super-heavy thrash attack, but more on the side of some atmospheric atl-metal combo that really works well. If I were to describe them to anyone, I would simply say: they sound like you feel!
Any nice, decent A&R person with a backbone for promoting good music as opposed to a cash machine should go check them out and thank me later.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Goat Frost

Here we go with a nice little band called Goatwhore. Described as black metal, which I agree to, they have quite a good platter out on Metal Blade Records right now called A Haunting Curse. I do have to say first off that describing a band as black metal conjures up images of terrible production, limited pressings and corpse paint. Not here folks, this is one great sounding, high quality, straight up black/death metal. Wonderful drumming (which you can hear all of them, not just the high-hat and snare), excellent vocals, and guitar riffs that are good!!! I suggest you pick this up, really, or even better pick it up and support the band by seeing them in concert or buying a shirt. Goatwhore has members of Soilent Green in the ranks, who have has their fair share of disasters that would make any person just give up on life. After listening to all forms of black and death metal for over 20 years, this comes across as the perfect mix of classic death metal with a mix of the "newer" sounds of death metal. I am not going to give everything away, take a listen for yourself here
If you would like to see them in all their glory, then check them out over here
Buy a shirt from the band here
Why did I call this post Goat Frost? The first 5 seconds of Alchemy of the Black Sun Cult will explain it.

The beginning of the end

I remember walking up the stairs to my friends house when I heard it. I knew exactly what it was, and I was about to experience it for myself. I opened the door and there it was in all it's glory- the sounds of Black Metal by Venom coming out of the speakers. It was the moment where I had finally experienced something I heard so many other people talk about - Venom and the whole world of black metal. Little did I know that day would be the first day, up and including today where music would shape and define my life. That's what this blog is all about. Giving some bands the small amount of exposure I can give them to hopefully remind some of you about times in your life or introduce you to bands who will define your life. I will also expose bands to a world that will grab them and give them a try. It's all about knowing the past and exploring into the future, it all comes together here, at the beginning of the end.